Monday 22 February 2010

Instrucciones para las instrucciones

Las instrucciones para subir una escalera de Julio Cortázar no están hechas para enseñar cómo se hace algo. Se trata de un juego literario. El mecanismo que se utiliza es el siguiente:

Se sitúa al lector en un mundo en el que una escalera es una realidad extraña. En ese mundo subir una escalera no es algo que se realice de forma mecánica sino que es algo complejo que requiere unas instrucciones. Para imitar el texto de Cortázar hay que seguir las siguientes instrucciones:

- Elegir un objeto cotidiano y una acción que realicemos con ese objeto de forma automática, sin pensar en lo que hacemos.

-Mirar ese objeto como si fuera algo extraño y enfrentarse a la acción que tenemos que realizar como a una tarea llena de dificultades.

- Estructurar el texto en tres partes:

Un párrafo inicial en el que se describa brevemente el objeto.

Las instrucciones organizadas mediante marcadores textuales tales como "En primer lugar", "A continuación", "Finalmente"...

Un párrafo final (muy breve) para concluir.

Estoy segura de que va a ser una actividad muy interesante para todos (para mí la primera).


Carmen Torres said...

Thank you.
I'm gonna do it of a balloon.
Do you know what's that? :)

Nieves Méndez said...

Good idea! I'm dying for reading your instructions, Carmen.

Unknown said...

Cheat it bad and you are risk to the teacher see you and the exam finish for you and you have a zero in it.

To cheat you have to be very,very careful to be in silence for the teacher to not see you cheating.When
the teacher didn't pay attention in you ,you can see the exam of your partner or se anything write before the exam to cheat too.when the teacher walk around the class ,you have to be how a leopard.

When you finsh cheat,you trow the paper into the basket or to give quickly the exam to the teacher

Maria said...

-You start to do the exam.
-When you don't known any questions, look where is the teacher.
-When the teacher is distracted,ask and copy of your classmates.
-Then, continue to do your exam.
-You can also copy in exams by a chop review.
-This chop review can keep in the pencil case, in a pockets of a jacket,...
-To copy, you must be very carefull that the teacher doesn't see you.
-Follow those the instractions to copy well in exams.

Maria said...

-You start to do the exam.
-When you don't known any questions, look where is the teacher.
-When the teacher is distracted,ask and copy of your classmates.
-Then, continue to do your exam.
-You can also copy in exams by a chop review.
-This chop review can keep in the pencil case, in a pockets of a jacket,...
-To copy, you must be very carefull that the teacher doesn't see you.
-Follow those the instractions to copy well in exams.

Eva Suárez said...

There are many ways to cheat on exams, one is:
1º.Start to do the exam
2º.Look to the teacher.
3º.If you don't know something of the exam and the teacher is distracted, is useful to copy of the exam of your classmate.
4º.At the end of copying the activities you didn’t know continues to do the exam.
5º.Finally, you can also copy you talking to a classmate if the teacher is distracted.
6º.Follow these instructions to copy well in exams.

Carmen Torres said...


The day before the exam, you have to think if you know everything perfectly well. If you know, you haven't got to do nothing, but if you think that somethings you are gonna forget, you have to write those things on a little piece of paper, also called chop.
The chop have to be small and you have to write on it with a very little handwriting, because if your handwriting is small, you can write more things on the paper.
At class:
You have to do your exam. If there is any question you don't know how to answer, you have to follow these steps:
· Look at where the teacher is. If the teacher is very near from you, you musn't do anything. You have to dissimulate, and do as if you are doing your exam.
· Once the teacher is concentrated on otherthing, far from you, you can do two things (both carefully):
- Look at your chop.
- Ask your classmates.
Once you have the answer to the questions you didn't know, you can write them on your exam.
If you have finished your exam, you can give it to the teacher.
But the exam usually hasn't finished to your classmates yet, so you can help them.

Remember: be carefull with the teacher, and if you want to be helped, help your classmates too!

Maria Arregui said...

To cheat in an exam you must write in your leg a little summary of the subject that you have the exam.

Maria Arregui said...

To cheat in an exam you must write in your leg a little summary of the subject that you have the exam.

josema said...


The pupils who cheat on an exam usually use this process:

The day before the exam, ...

1st. You have to take a small piece of paper.

2nd. You have to write a summary of the subject that you must study. In other words, make a crib.

3rd. Then take your pen's cap off and introduce the crib here.

The day of the exam, ...

1st. Start to do your exam.

2nd. When the teacher is distracted, take your pen's cap off and take the crib out.

3rd. You must be so careful, if the teacher look at you and you have the crib on your hands, you are dead, you have a zero, and other horrible things.

4th. If you can cheat on the exam, you have a good mark but that night will be very bad for you because you'll suffer pangs of conscience. And you'll have nightmares.

So, I recomend you don't cheat on the exams because it's very bad for you.

Maria Arregui said...

Como comerse las uñas:

La uña está formada por células muertas, endurecidas, y contiene queratina.Están situadas en los extremos de los dedos de las manos y de los pies.
Las uñas de los dedos de las manos crecen cuatro veces más rápido que la de los pies.

1ªExaminamos la longitud de las uñas de los dedos detenidamente con la llema del dedo pulgar,comenzando asi a analizar la longitud de estas desde el dedo ,indice, corazón, anular y meñique, descubriendo cual de ellas destaca más por su longitud.

2ª Siendo la más larga la del dedo índice nos la llevamos a la boca, concentrando nuestra saliva en la uña.

3ª Una vez ablandada por la saliva procedemos a cortar dicha uña con los dientes incisivos y caninos, ejerciendo la presión adecuada para un corte efectivo.

4ª Una vez cortada dicha uña sacamos el dedo de la boca para examinar con la vista como a resultado este corte efectuado anteriormente.
Al mismo tiempo con la lengua buscamos y situamos el reto de uña que nos queda dentro de la boca. Una vez encontrado este resto, lo situamos en la punta de la lengua, en lo que en un acto conjugado de soplar e impulsar con la lengua, expulsaremos el resto o los restos de uña.

5ª Esto se repetira con todos los dedos de la mano,y a veces, de los pies.

Maria Arregui Encenilla 2º A.