Monday 16 March 2009

That's Art

This is one of my favourite paintings. Do you know who painted it?
I could see the real painting at Musée d'Orsay in Paris. It's amazing how different it is from the reproduction I have at home! Its bright colours catch your eye immediately and you feel you can get inside.
What about you? Comment on a painting you like.


Irene Humphrey Bogart said...

My favourite painting is Branches of an Almond Tree , it's by Van Gogh. I like it because is very real.
The painting represents an almond tree at night.
It is one of the most beautiful of Van Gogh's paintings.
I wish you like it because it's really good.

Unknown said...

My favourite painting is "Las Meninas". It's a really beautiful painting by Velázquez. It represents a princess'family, and in it he painted him too.
The copy of this painting it isn't in my house, but it's in my grandfather's house. I love it because it's a painting that has represented the past and it's so good.
I wish you like it.

Unknown said...

One of the pictures that I like is El Grito by Eduard Munch. I like because it is very famous and has very good outlines

juan carlos coco said...

My favorite painting is Las Meninas (1656) by D.Velazquez. This painting represents
the family of Felipe IV. In the painting are the infant Margarita, Isabel de Velasco, Maria Justina de Sotomayor, Mari Bárbola, Nicolas de Pertusato, Marcela de Ulloa, Diego Ruiz Azcona, José Nieto
Velázquez, Diego Velázquez, Felipe IV and
Mariana de Austria. The paintingis in the Prado museum

eva said...

My favourite painting is "Cosiendo la vela" by Sorolla.It is a light painting.The women are sewing and they are very happy.

josema said...

My favourite painting is "Noche Estrellada" by Van Gogh. I like it because it is very beautiful and very real. This painting transmit me peace, relax and harmony. "Noche Estrellada" represented a night in a ville in the middle of the country. And the most importants colours of this painting are the blues and the yellows.

antoñita said...

My favourite painting is "La última cena"by Leonardo da Vinci in 1494.
I like the painting because it is very big, there is colour contrast and the people are wearing the fabulous clothes.

Unknown said...

I like "Las Meninas" by "Velazquez"
I like because you can see barroca clothes. It is very old and in my opinion, it is very beautiful and a real photograph

By: Carmela

claudia said...

My favourite painting is `Las Flamencas´ by Sorolla. I like it because it is a cheerful painting. It has got a lot of warm colours. In the middle there are many woman singing and dancing.
I see it in the `Museo de Bellas artes´ in Sevilla. The painting is in the exposicion of `Una visión a Sevilla´ by Sorolla. I have got a copy of the painting in my house.

Investigadora said...

Hi, I'm Victoria.

My favourite picture is "Las Meninas" by Velazquez because it is very very beautiful because the painter express the situations in the rich families of that epoch and it is a really artwork.

fátima garcía gonzalez said...

My favourite painting is "El corral"by Bur chard Pablo.I like it because it is very natural and produced a sensation of calm.
There is in the museum of "Bellas Artes" in Seville.
The painting has got darks colours.

maria arregui said...

I'm Maria Arregui.
My favorite picture is "Las Meninas" bu Velázquez.
I like because it is very beautiful and very creative.
The picture always catches your eyes because it is very big and very luminous.
the colours of the pictures are very creative.