Thursday, 9 December 2010

Life in the Middle Ages

You have learnt a lot about the middle ages from your own research and from your classmates'. Taking into account all the information you have now, would you like to have lived in that epoch? Explain why.

Monday, 29 November 2010


Aquí tenemos situados en una línea cronológica los principales hitos relacionados con el nacimiento de la literatura en nuestro idioma. Hemos estudiado el Poema de Mio Cid, hemos visto la importancia de las glosas, lo que son las jarchas... Las otras obras también serán muy importantes en el desarrollo de la literatura medieval; intentad recordar sus nombres. Para verlo en grande pulsa aquí.

on Dipity.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Let's have a laugh!

The doctor to the patient: "You are very sick"
The patient to the doctor: "Can I get a second opinion?"
The doctor again: "Well, yes ... You are very ugly too"

It's your turn!

Saturday, 30 October 2010


Como hemos visto, para crear palabras nuevas (neologismos) la lengua tiene un caudal inagotable de recursos: las nuevas posibilidades de combinación entre los lexemas y morfemas ya existentes. Éstas son infinitas, pero para que la Real Academia de la Lengua lo tenga todavía más fácil ahí van algunas de las propuestas que habéis hecho. ¿Queréis añadir las definiciones?

Wordle: Untitled

Tuesday, 12 October 2010


Nuevo curso, nuevos retos, nuevos libros (bueno, no tan nuevos)... Atrás quedó el verano y con él muchos momentos agradables. Éstos son algunos de los que recordamos el otro día en vuestras exposiciones orales.


Así sucedió. Pocas horas después todos pudimos ver la noticia ampliada en los telediarios. Es ésta la undécima vez que un escritor en español gana el premio Nobel de Literatura. ¿Sabes quiénes son los otros diez?

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Better late than never

"Oh dear! oh dear! I shall be too late" (when she thought it over afterwards, it ocurred to her that she ought to have wondered at this, but at the time it all seemed quite natural); but when the rabbit actually took a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket, and looked at it, and then hurried on ..."

What happened then? Who was "she"? Who was she created by?

Waiting for your guesses.

Sunday, 20 June 2010


Para verlo en grande pulsad aquí.

¿Qué os ha parecido? ¿Seremos capaces de mejorarlo?

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Compartiendo versos

En este curso nos hemos acercado un poco más a la poesía. Cada uno de vosotros eligió libremente un poema, nos explicó de qué hablaba, nos acercó a su autor... Hemos aprendido a adentrarnos sin miedo en los versos y a descubrir en ellos estrofas, símiles, metáforas...y sentimientos. Aquí os dejo algunos de recuerdo.

(Para ver a pantalla completa pon el cursor sobre la palabra Glogster y pulsa "view full size".)

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Instrucciones de la biblioteca para traducir

Os recuerdo que esta semana tenéis que hacer la traducción a francés del texto.

Monday, 31 May 2010

It's So Hard to Say Goodbye!

To my wonderful students and colleagues at I.E.S. Heliche, thank you for helping me "make the best of what's around" these past few years. I'll have many good memories to look back on, and I hope you all will, too.

I can't thank your class enough for the gifts, party, snacks and fun on our last day; I didn't deserve any of it! But, we laughed a lot (well, I cried A LOT!) and got to spend one last day without homework, exams or partes!

I'm going to keep checking in on you all, so keep working hard and be nice to your teachers! I'm positive your new language assistant will be wonderful to you, and a far better teacher than I. Hopefully said person will have a lot more patience than me, too! You've come a long way since our first few weeks, so I'm looking forward to seeing your progress over the next few years.

I'll leave you with some of my pictures from the event. Hope you enjoy them! That said, keep pushing yourselves, study for your exams, and enjoy your holidays! I'm on mine but wish I could be back in class...So, from your favorite guiri from Chicago de la Frontera, MUCHA SUERTE, and a lot of love!

Friday, 14 May 2010

Oprah Winfrey wants to interview ... you!

You’ve become famous. And a journalist has some questions for you…
Tell her about you!

Hi, I’m Oprah Winfrey. I live in the United States and I’ve got a talk show. I’ve heard you’re a famous teenager in Spain. I want to know more about you. Please, could you answer these questions? Thank you.

What’s your name?
What’s your favourite subject in school? Why?
What will you do this summer?
Will you go to university? What will you study?
If you pass all your exams, what will you do?
How do you think your life will be in 2020?

Thank you very much for your time. It has been a pleasure to talk to you.

Monday, 10 May 2010

Helichville 2010

A good number of students (and teachers) got their four stamps on their passport this year again. But what happened in Helichville that day? It's your task to find out. Look at the photos, look for reliable sources and make your report for Helichville Journal, a quality newspaper with Sunday edition.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

The Good, the Bad and the Cinematic Masterpieces

Did you know that many spaghetti westerns were filmed here in Spain? The Almería prvoince has got many interesting landscapes that appear to be the Wild West of America, a place where cowboys and bandits once roamed.

a typical spaghetti western landscape

Take a look at this website: It's got many interesting images of places around Spain and Italy (a country famous for modern films of this genre) where Westerns were filmed. Have you been to any? What elements of cinematography do you see? Are there any placeas around your village that might make good background for a film?
In class, we'll watch a clip of a deul. See if you can name the different elements used by filmmakers. Remember, they are: Panorama, Wide General View, General View, Group Shot, Knees-up View, Waist-up View, First plane (just the face) and Detail Plane (just a detail). Here is a website with several examples towards the bottom.
You can watch the video, as well as other famous clips, on youtube by clicking here.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Optical Illusions

I've never studied photography, but I always have my camera on me and experiment - A LOT! In talking about visual perception, we know that things aren't always what they seem, and that what we see can be different from what another sees.

Take a look at some photos I've taken this year. What do you see (or think you see?)? What elements have I used to make the photo a good one?

Friday, 26 March 2010

Nuestras instrucciones

Salieron cosas muy simpáticas del ejercicio que hicimos imitando las "Instrucciones para subir una escalera" de Cortázar. Aquí tenemos algunas de ellas:

- Instrucciones para abrir una puerta, de Rocío Díaz.

- Instrucciones para inflar un globo, de Carmen Torres.

-Instrucciones para desenredarse el cabello, de Carmela Díaz.

- Instrucciones para cepillarse los dientes, de Antoñita Bulnes.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Dizzying Spirals!

In art class, we're about to begin a lesson on spirals. According to mathematician Fibonacci, spirals are the most perfect sequence in nature and can be defined as a figure whose curves start from a central point.

There are lots of examples of spirals in the world around us. Take a look below. Do you recognize any of these things? What are they, and where do you find them? Can you think of other examples?

Saturday, 27 February 2010

Having fun at school

Last week our school looked a bit different. Everybody had the opportunity to take part in a good number of interesting activities. Look at the photos:
  • Who are the people in the pictures? What are they doing?
  • What did you do?
Tell us about your experiences on that day.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Instrucciones para las instrucciones

Las instrucciones para subir una escalera de Julio Cortázar no están hechas para enseñar cómo se hace algo. Se trata de un juego literario. El mecanismo que se utiliza es el siguiente:

Se sitúa al lector en un mundo en el que una escalera es una realidad extraña. En ese mundo subir una escalera no es algo que se realice de forma mecánica sino que es algo complejo que requiere unas instrucciones. Para imitar el texto de Cortázar hay que seguir las siguientes instrucciones:

- Elegir un objeto cotidiano y una acción que realicemos con ese objeto de forma automática, sin pensar en lo que hacemos.

-Mirar ese objeto como si fuera algo extraño y enfrentarse a la acción que tenemos que realizar como a una tarea llena de dificultades.

- Estructurar el texto en tres partes:

Un párrafo inicial en el que se describa brevemente el objeto.

Las instrucciones organizadas mediante marcadores textuales tales como "En primer lugar", "A continuación", "Finalmente"...

Un párrafo final (muy breve) para concluir.

Estoy segura de que va a ser una actividad muy interesante para todos (para mí la primera).

Friday, 19 February 2010

Turkish recipe

Yasemin has left us this link to a Turkish cake recipe. It looks delicious!

Will you be able to make it? Have a try and bring it for her presentation next Wednesday! It would be great to enjoy it together.

Sunday, 14 February 2010

What's this?

Look at the picture. What can you see in it? What is happening? What's strange about it?

Monday, 11 January 2010


Para realizar las actividades que os propongo todos tenéis que leer el cuento La flor más grande del mundo, de Saramago. En clase ya comentamos el valor de las ilustraciones en ediciones como éstas, que no os pasen desapercibidas. Después debéis visionar el corto inspirado en el texto que acabáis de leer; ha sido realizado por Juan Pablo Etcheberry siguiendo la técnica del stop motion.

Ahora ya podéis:
- Analizar la figura del narrador (en el texto, en las ilustraciones y en el corto).
- Señalar las similitudes y diferencias entre la narración escrita y la narración fílmica.
- Explicar el significado de la historia: ¿es tan simple como parece o podemos encontrar algún significado simbólico?